GDSI Staff

Academic Board:
Prof. Michael Hauschild (Chairman, DTU Management Engineering)
Prof. Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen (DTU Environment)
Prof. Bo Friis Nielsen(DTU Compute)
Prof. Tine Hald (DTU Food)
Assoc. Prof. Stefan Lindhard Mabit (Transport DTU)
Assoc. Prof. Sebastian Thöns (DTU Civil Engineering)

GDSI Postdocs:
Yan Dong (DTU Management Engineering)
Stylianos Georgiadis (DTU Compute)
Elena Boriani (DTU Food)
Hjalte Jomo Danielsen Sørup (Asst. Prof., DTU Environment)
Stefano Manzo (Transport DTU)
Technical Support:
Carlos Manuel Moraleda Melero
Steering Committee:
Dean of Research Katrine Krogh Andersen (Chairman)
Acting Head of department Per Dannemand Andersen (DTU Management Engineering) 
Head of department Niels-Jørgen Aagaard (DTU Civil Engineering)
Head of department Per B. Brockhoff (DTU Compute)
Director of Institute Christine Nellemann (DTU Food)
Head of Department Thomas Højlund Christensen (DTU Environment)
GDSI Administrator:
Christine Molin


GDSI Main Contact

Michael Zwicky Hauschild
DTU Sustain
+45 45 25 46 64
5 MARCH 2025