GDSI-relevant events

Past events

7-10 December 2016: International Forum on Engineering Decision Making. Ninth Forum: Resilient Infrastructures -Integration of Risk and Sustainability. Stoos, Switzerland. Call for papers

JOURNAL CLUB MEETINGS (Open to GDSI participants and invited guests)

18 May 2016: The ninth GDSI Journal Club meeting was held at 10:00-11:30 B424 R213: Yannick Cornet and Michael Bruhn Barfod (DTU Transport/Management) presented multi-criteria methods to assess complex impacts of large-scale transport infrastructure: "Strategic sustainable transport assessment using a comparative stakeholder judgment approach – the case of high speed rail in the UK"

7 April 2016: the eighth GDSI Journal Club meeting was held 10:00-11:30 B424 R213: Niki Bey: ”Decision support in sustainability strategy development – How can “good” targets be set?”. Background reading.

25 February 2016: the eighth GDSI Journal Club meeting was held at 12:30-14:00 B424 R213: Steffen Foss Hansen (DTU Environment): "Screening of hazards and risks related to shale gas in Denmark".

15 December 2015:  the seventh GDSI Journal Club meeting was held at 14:00-15:15 B424 R213: Sebastian Thöns (DTU Civil Engineering): "My role in research activities, results and outreach to the GDSI".

25 November 2015: The sixth GDSI Journal Club meeting was held at 10:00-11:15 B424 R213: Steen Leleur (DTU Transport): "Sustainable Transport and systemic planning". View presentation (with background links p 28) on the "menber's log-in".

13 October 2015: The fifth GDSI Journal Club meeting was held at 13:30-14:45 B424 R213: Rune Brincker (Center for Oil and Gas, DTU): "How can we measure actual stress in structures"?

26 August 2015: The forth GDSI Journal Club meeting was held at 10:00-11:15 B424 R213: Peter Fankte (DTU ME/QSA) presented his work "Defining Product Intake Fraction to Quantify and Compare Exposure to Consumer Products".

 9 July 2015: The third GDSI Journal Club meeting was held at 9:30-11:00 B424 R213: professor Henrik Madsen (DTU Compute) presented his work on 'Smart Cities'.

1 June 2015: The second GDSI Journal Club meeting was held at 9:00-10:30 B424 R213: Professor Katherine Richardson (Copenhagen University) presented the paper: "Steffen et al. 2015. Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science 347(6223):736-346".

18 May 2015: The first GDSI Journal Club meeting was held at 9:00-10:30 B424 R213: Professor Jørgen Schlundt presented the paper "Dora et al. 2015. Indicators linking health and sustainability in the post-2015 development agenda. Lancet 385: 380-391.

GDSI Presentation Meetings (Open to all)

29 October 2015: GDSI's DTU presentation meeting. Agenda. Academic Board's pptsDirector's ppts. Postdo's ppts.


The Copenhagen Sustainability Initiative; a collaboration between Copenhagen University, CBS and DTU

28 April 2016: Professor Naomi Oreskes (Harvard University): "The roots of climate change denial" -  Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, 1167 Copenhagen K

8 March 2016, 15:00-16:15: Professor Sir Andy Haines (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine): "Safeguarding the human health in the Antropocene". Frue Plads 4, Ceremonial Hall, 1168 Copenhagen K.

4 December 2015, 15:00-16:30: Julian Agyeman (Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, USA) and Duncan McLaren (Lancaster University, UK): "Sharing Cities - A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities". Auditorium 35.01.44, Faculty of Social Sciences, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 Copenhagen K.

23 November 2015: Johan Rockström (Stockholm Resilience Center): "Arctic resilience and Humanity's future on Earth" at Copenhagen University, Frue Plads 4.

6 November 2015: Karoline Rogge and Joachim Schleich (Frauenhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research): "Do policy mix characteristics matter for (eco-)innovation? A survey-based exploration for manufacturers of renewable power generation technologies in Germany" at CBS Frederiksberg.

8 October 2015: Professor Thomas McKone (UC Berkeley): "Alternative Approaches for Informing Sustainability- and Risk-Based Decisions about Products, Technologies, and Services" at theTechnical University of Denmark, DTU Management Engineering.

26 May 2015: Dr. Kandeh Yumkella: "Sustainable Energy for All - an initiative to transform the global energy system" at Copenhagen University.



International Symposium on Society-Wide Life Safety and Health Management
Organized in conjunction with the Joint Committee on Structural Safety

Location:  Lyngby, Denmark.
Date:  August 11-13, 2014
Downloads:  First announcement and call for abstracts
5 MARCH 2025