Publications of GDSI Academic Board and Research Coordinator

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Prevalence of Protozoan Pathogens Among Diarrheic Children Under 5 Years in Public Hospital of Ethiopia During the Global COVID 19 Pandemic

Gobena, Tesfaye ; Belina, Dinaol ; Hald, Tine ; Pires, Sara M.
in: INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing , vol: 61

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Probabilistic Reference and 10% Effect Concentrations for Characterizing Inhalation Non-cancer and Developmental/Reproductive Effects for 2,160 Substances

Aurisano, Nicolò ; Fantke, Peter ; Chiu, Weihsueh A. ; Judson, Richard ; Jang, Suji ; Unnikrishnan, Aswani ; Jolliet, Olivier
in: Environmental Science and Technology, vol: 58, pages: 8278-8288

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Quantifying pesticide emissions for drift deposition in comparative risk and impact assessment

Zhang, Yuyue ; Li, Zijian ; Reichenberger, Stefan ; Gentil-Sergent, Céline ; Fantke, Peter
in: Environmental Pollution, vol: 342

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Quantitative Sustainability Assessment of Metal Additive Manufacturing

Pusateri, Valentina ; Hauschild, Michael Zwicky ; Kara, Sami ; Goulas, Constantinos ; Olsen, Stig Irving
in: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, vol: 49, pages: 95-110

Type: Review (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Recycling for a Sustainable Future

Psyrri, Georgia ; Hauschild, Michael Z. ; Astrup, Thomas F. ; Lima, Ana T.M.
in: Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol: 209

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Selecting indicators for measuring progress towards sustainable development goals at the global, national and corporate levels

Gebara, Caroline H. ; Thammaraksa, Chonlawan ; Hauschild, Michael ; Laurent, Alexis
in: Sustainable Production and Consumption, vol: 44, pages: 151-165

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Short Communication: Biogenic carbon in fast-moving products

Sazdovski, Ilija ; Hauschild, Michael Zwicky ; Arfelis, Sergi ; Bala, Alba ; Fullana-i-Palmer, Pere
in: Environmental Advances, vol: 15

Type: Letter (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Spatial assessment of the environmental sustainability impacts of pesticide use across Europe

Soheilifard, Farshad ; Zhang, Yuyue ; Fantke, Peter
part of: Abstract Book - SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, pages: 922-922, 2024
Presented at:
SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting

Type: Conference abstract in proceedings

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024
22 JULY 2024