Publications of GDSI Academic Board and Research Coordinator

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Climate impacts of natural farming: A cradle to gate comparison between conventional practice and Andhra Pradesh Community Natural Farming

Rosenstock, Todd S. ; Mayzelle, Megan ; Namoi, Nictor ; Fantke, Peter
in: Research & Reviews : Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences

Type: Journal article

Status: Accepted/In press     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Combined Assessment of Absolute Sustainability performance and Life Cycle Damage of global consumption

Santiago, Acosta-Izquierdo ; Hauschild, Michael ; Jolliet, Olivier
part of: Abstract Book - SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, pages: 904-904, 2024
Presented at:
SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting

Type: Conference abstract in proceedings

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024


Conceptual framework for identifying polymers of concern

Suh, Sangwon ; Boulay, Anne-Marie ; Fantke, Peter ; Li, Dingsheng ; Menon, Dilip ; Meys, Raoul ; Milà i Canals, Llorenç
in: Frontiers in Sustainability, vol: 5

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Condition monitoring of wind turbine faults

Hansen, Henrik Hviid ; MacDougall, Neil ; Jensen, Christopher Dam ; Kulahci, Murat ; Nielsen, Bo Friis
in: Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol: 130, pages: 160-174

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Data-Driven Characterization of Genetic Variability in Disease Pathways and Pesticide-Induced Nervous System Disease in the United States Population

Kosnik, Marissa B. ; Antczak, Philipp ; Fantke, Peter
in: Environmental Health Perspectives, vol: 132, issue: 5

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Editorial: Sustainability assessment of chemicals in consumer products

Li, Li ; Fantke, Peter ; Huang, Lei
in: Frontiers in Sustainability, vol: 5

Type: Editorial (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Enabling comprehensive assessment of marine eutrophication impacts and their evaluation against regional safe operating space

Vea, Eldbjørg Blikra ; Jwaideh, Mark ; Richardson, Katherine ; Ryberg, Morten ; Bjørn, Anders ; Hauschild, Michael
in: International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Accepted/In press     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Environmental sustainability of food production and consumption in the nordic and baltic region - a scoping review for nordic nutrition recommendations 2023

Harwatt, Helen ; Benton, Tim G. ; Bengtsson, Jan ; Birgisdόttir, Bryndis Eva ; Brown, Kerry Ann ; Van Dooren, Corné ; Erkkola, Maijaliisa ; Graversgaard, Morten ; Halldorsson, Thorhallur ; Hauschild, Michael ; Høyer-Lund, Anne ; Van Oort, Bob ; Saarinen, Merja ; Tuomisto, Hanna L. ; Trolle, Ellen ; Ögmundarson, Olafur ; Blomhoff, Rune
in: Food and Nutrition Research, vol: 68

Type: Review (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Evaluating mitigation strategies for building stocks against absolute climate targets

Hvid Horup, Lise ; Ohms, Pernille K. ; Hauschild, Michael ; Gummidi, Srinivasa Raghavendra Bhuvan ; Secher, Andreas Qvist ; Thuesen, Christian ; Ryberg, Morten
in: Buildings and Cities, vol: 5, issue: 1, pages: 117-132

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:


Evaluating toxicity impacts of local chemical emissions in Life Cycle Assessment

Cappucci, Grazia Maria ; Neri, Paolo ; Ferrari, Anna Maria ; Fantke, Peter
in: International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, vol: 29, pages: 669-682

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    Year: 2024     |    DOI:
22 JULY 2024