
GDSI Publications 2015:


Boriani E., Miraglia S., Hald T.; Common metrics across diverse disciplines for evaluating potential risk –benefit of food ; World Food system Conference ; Ascona, Switzerland 21-26 June 2015

Boriani E, Miraglia S, Hald T. 2015. integrated food security: mapping and selecting different indicators and metrics; 3rd Global Risk Forum One Health Summit 2015, Davos Switzerland, 4-6 october 2015.

Boriani E. 2016. Integrated food security: mapping and selecting different indicators and metrics. Final draft by October 2015.

Bügel S, Damsgaard CT, Larsen TM, Saxe H, Astrup A. 2015. Organic food for sustainable and healthy diets – lessons from the Nordic diet? Abstract. 12th European Nutrition Conference (FENS), Berlin, Germany, October 20-23, 2015. 

GDSI Academic Board. 2015. Safe and Sustainable - combining the risk and sustainability assessment in decision support (manuscript in progress).

Nielsen, L. 2015. Risk related activities at DTU - A situation assessment report of the DTU Global Decision Support Initiative. 254 pp. Read the report.

Mølhave, K., Saxe, H. 2015. What is your footprint? Poster at DTU's Sustain Conference, 17 December 2015. See the poster.

Saxe H. Bügel S. 2015. Økologi og Bæredygtighed. Kapitel 25 i 'Menneskets Ernæring' (editors Arne Astrup, Susanne Bügel, Jørn Dyerberg og Steen Stender). Munksgårds Forlag. Pp. 694. ISBN: 9788762813762 (Book in Danish), ISBN: 9788762816213 (i-book in Danish).

GDSI’s Academic Board and GDSI Postdoc publications 2015

Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Leonardsen L, and Madsen H. Evaluating climate change adaptation options for urban flooding based on new high-end emission scenario Regional Climate Model simulations. 2015. Climate Research, 64, 1, 73-84. DOI: 10.3354/cr01299.

Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Funder SG, Madsen H. 2015. Identifying climate analogues for precipitation extremes for Denmark based on RCM simulations from the ENSEMBLES database. Water Science and Technology, 71, 3, 418-425. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2015.001

Bakas I, Hauschild MZ, Astrup TF, Rosenbaum RK. 2015. Preparing the ground for an operational handling of long-term emissions in LCA. International Journal of LCA. In Press. DOI10.1007/s11367-015-0941-4.

Barfod MB, van den Honert R, Salling KB. (forthcoming). Combining MCDA and Risk Analysis: dealing with scaling issues in the multiplicative AHP. Under review 2nd review in International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (shared-publication with SUSTAIN).

Bjørn A, Diamond ML, Owsianiak M, Verzat B, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Strengthening the Link between Life Cycle Assessment and Indicators for Absolute Sustainability To Support Development within Planetary Boundaries. Environmental Science & Technology 49: 6370-6371. DOI:

Bjørn A, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Introducing carrying capacity-based normalisation in LCA: framework and development of references at midpoint level. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment  20(7): 1005-1018 DOI:

Bjørn A, Margni M,  Bulle C, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Quantifying spatially derived carrying capacity occupation: Framework for characterisation modelling and application to terrestrial acidification.  Conference abstract presented at: SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 2015, Barcelona

Bladt M, Navarro AC, Nielsen BF. 2015. On the use of functional calculus for phasetype and related distributions. Stochastic Models x: y-z. Accepted for publication.


Bladt M, Nielsen BF, Samorodnitsky G. 2015. Caclulation of ruin probabilities for a dense class of heavy tailed distributions. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 7(7): 573–591.

Bonou A, Olsen SI, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Introducing life cycle thinking in product development – A case from Siemens Wind Power. CIRP Manufacturing Technology Annals 64(1): 45-48. DOI:

Christensen OB, Yang S, Boberg F, Maule CF, Thejll P, Olesen M, Drews M, Sørup HJD, Christensen JH. 2015. Scalability of regional climate change in Europe for high-end scenarios. Climate Research 64(1):25-38. doi:10.3354/cr01286.

Christiansen KS, Borggaard OK, Holm PE, Vijver MG, Hauschild MZ, Peijnenburg WJGM. 2015. Experimental determinations of soil copper toxicity to lettuce (Lactuca sativa) growth in highly different copper spiked and aged soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research  22(7): 5283-5292 DOI:

Cosme NMD, Koski M, Hauschild MZ. 2015. A marine eutrophication impacts assessment method in LCIA coupling coastal ecosystems exposure to nitrogen and species sensitivity to hypoxia. Presented at: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015, 2015, Granada.

Crespo MN, Laurent A, Ometto AR, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Fate factors for airborne contributions to acidification, eutrophication and photochemical ozone formation in Brazil. Poster presented at: SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona.

Crespo MN, Laurent A, Ometto AR, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Necessidade de uma metodologia de Avaliação de Impacto do Ciclo de Vida espacialmente diferenciada para o Brasil. Presented at: IV Congresso Brasileiro em Gestão do Ciclo de Vida, 2014, São Paulo.

Da Silva Felício MT, Hald T, Liebana E, Allende A, Hugas M, Nguyen-The C, Skoien Johannessen G, Niskanen T, Uyttendaele M, McLauchlin J. 2015. Risk ranking of pathogens in ready-to-eat unprocessed foods of non-animal origin (FoNAO) in the EU: Initial evaluation using outbreak data (2007–2011). International Journal of Food Microbiology 195: 9–19.

De Knegt LV, Pires SM, Hald T. 2015. Attributing foodborne salmonellosis in humans to animal reservoirs in the European Union using a multi-country stochastic model. Epidemiol. Infect., 143: 1175–1186. doi:10.1017/S0950268814001903.

De Knegt LV, Pires SM, Hald T. 2015. Using surveillance and monitoring data of different origins in a Salmonella source attribution model: a European Union example with challenges and proposed solutions. Epidemiol. Infect. 143: 1148–1165. doi:10.1017/S0950268814000429.

De Knegt LV, Pires SM, Löfström C, Sørensen G, Pedersen K, Torpdahl M, Nielsen EM, Hald T. 2015. Application of molecular typing results in source attribution models: the case of multiple locus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) of Salmonella isolates obtained from integrated surveillance in Denmark. Risk Analysis (accepted).

Devleesschauwer B, Haagsma JA, Angulo FJ, Bellinger DC, Cole D, Döpfer D, Fazil A, Fèvre EM, Gibb H, Hald T, Kirk MD, Lake RJ, de Noordhout CM, Mathers CD, McDonald SA, Pires SM, Speybroeck N, Thomas MK, Torgerson PR, Wu F, Havelaar AH, Praet N. 2015. Methodological framework for World Health Organization estimates of the global burden of foodborne disease. Revision submitted October 2015 to PLOS One.

Diamond ML, Cynthia de Wit A, Molander S, Scheringer M, Backhaus T, Lohmann R, Arvidsson R, Bergman Å, Hauschild MZ, Holoubek I, Persson L, Suzuki N, Vighi M, Zetzsch C. 2015. Exploring the planetary boundary for chemical pollution. Environment International 78, pages: 8-15. DOI:

Dong Y, Olsen KH. 2015. Stakeholder participation in CDM and new climate mitigation mechanisms: China CDM case study. Climate Policy. In press. DOI:

Dong Y, Rosenbaum R, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Assessment of metal toxicity in marine ecosystems - Comparative Toxicity Potentials for nine cationic metals in coastal seawater. Environmental Science & Technology. Under review.

Dong Y, Rosenbaum R, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Characterization of metal aquatic ecotoxicity – introducing estuary into the aquatic ecosystem model and testing on a smartphone life cycle inventory. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Under review.

Faber MH. 2015. PhD course on risk and reliability at University of Minho, Portugal, 2015.

Faber MH. 2015. Codified Risk Informed Decision Making for Structures: Keynote Lecture at the International Symposium on Reliability of Engineering Systems (SRES2015) organized ans sponsored jointly by Tongjii University, Shanghai University, Shanghai Institute of Disaster Prevention and Relief, International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability (IASSAR), Hangzhou, China 15-17 October, 2015.

Faber MH. 2015. Structural Robustness – Risk Management and Codes: Keynote lecture at IABSE Workshop on “Safety, Robustness and Condition Assessment of Structures”. Helsinki, Finland, 11-12 February 2015.

Faber MH. 2015. Structural Robustness – Risk Management and Codes – The revised ISO 2394. Invited lecture at University of Porto, February 17, 2015.

Faber MH, Vrouwenvelder TACWM, Lind NC. 2015. Protocols for communication of governance of risks. Presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12, Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15.

Faber MH, Sørensen JD, Vrouwenvelder TACWM. 2015. On the regulation of life safety risk. Presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12, Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15.

Fantke P (Ed), Bengoa X, Chappert B, Dong Y, Guignard C, Hauschild MZ, Huijbregts M, Jolliet O, Kounina A, Magaud V, Margni M, McKone TE, Rosenbaum RK, Van de Meent D, Schoorl M, van Zelm R, Vargas-Gonzalez M. 2015. USEtox® Team: USEtox® 2.0 Documentation (Version 1.00). DOI:

Fischer K, De Sanctis G, Kohler J, Faber MH, Fontana M. 2015. Combining engineering and data-driven approaches. Fire Safety Journal 74: 32-42. DOI:

Georgiadis S, and N. Limnios N. 2015. Nonparametric estimation of interval reliability for discrete-time semi-Markov systems. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/15598608.2015.1064049

Gjerris M, Saxe H, Gamborg C. What to buy? On the complexity of being a political consumer. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. In press.

Gregersen IB, Madsen M, Rosbjerg D, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K. 2015. Long term variations of extreme rainfall in Denmark and Southern Sweden. Climate Dynamics, 44, 11-12, 3155-3169. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-014-2276-4

Goldstein BP, Fernandez J, Birkved M, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Quantifying Urban Foodprints and Mitigation Opportunities. Poster presented at the 8th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, 2015, Guildford, England.

Goldstein B, Birkved M, Fernandez J, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Surveying the environmental footprint of urban food consumption. Journal of Industrial Ecology, accepted July 2015

Havelaar AH, Kirk MD, Torgerson PR, Gibb HJ, Hald T, Lake RJ, Praet N, Bellinger DC, De Silva NR, Gargouri N, Speybroeck N, Cawthorne A, Mathers C, Stein C, Angulo FJ, Devleesschauwer B.2015. World Health Organization global estimates and regional comparisons of the burden of foodborne disease, 2010. Submitted August 2015 to PLOS One.

Koole GM, Nielsen BF, Nielsen TB. 2015. Optimization of overflow policies in call centers. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 29(3): 461–471.

Lerer SM, Sørup HJD, Ehlers P. (Ed.) 2015. Oversvømmelser - Byens ekstremregn. Dansk Byplanlaboratorium.

Lerer SM, Abrahamsen M, Sørup HJD, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Mikkelsen PS. 2015. Værktøj til vurdering af LAR-potentiale. Accepted for Vand og Jord.

Leleur S, Salling KB, Pilkauskiene I, Nicolaisen MS. 2015. Combining reference class forecasting with overconfidence theory for better risk assessment of transport infrastructure investments. European Journal of Transport Infrastructure Research, Vol. 15(3): 362-375 (shared-publication with UNITE).

Li R, Salling KB. (forthcoming). A new Approach to Life Cycle cost in Railway design, maintenance and renewal planning. Pending for Transportation Reviews (shared-publication with PhD project funded by Banebranchen).

Hald T, Aspinall W, Devleesschauwer B, Cooke RM, Corrigan T, Havelaar AH, Gibb H, Torgerson PR, Kirk MD, Angulo FJ, Lake R, Speybroeck N, Hoffmann S. 2015. World Health Organization estimates of the relative contributions of food to the burden of disease due to selected foodborne hazards: a structured expert elicitation. Revision submitted August 2015 to PLOS One.

Hauschild, MZ. 2015. Better – But is it Good Enough? On the Need to Consider Both Eco-efficiency and Eco-effectiveness to Gauge Industrial Sustainability. Presented at: 22nd C I R P Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 2015, Sydney. Procedia CIRP 29: 1-7. DOI:

Hauschild MZ and Huijbregts MAJ (editors). 2015. Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media B.V. Book. Pp 345. DOI:

Hauschild MZ, Huijbregts MAJ. 2015. Introducing Life Cycle Impact Assessment. In: Life Cycle Impact Assessment (ISBN: 978-94-017-9743-6), pages: 1-16, 2015, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., DOI:

Jensen JD, Saxe H, Denver S. 2015. Cost-effectiveness of a New Nordic Diet as a strategy for health promotion. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12: 7370-7391. doi:10.3390/ijerph120707370.

Jørgensen SV, Hauschild MZ, Nielsen PH. 2015. The potential contribution to climate change mitigation from temporary carbon storage in biomaterials. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20(4): 451-462. DOI:

Kirk MD, Pires SM, Black RE, Caipo M, Crump JA, Devleesschauwer B, Döpfer D, Fazil A, Fischer-Walker CL, Hald T, Hall AJ, Keddy KH, Lake R, Lanata CF, Torgerson PR, Havelaar AH, Angulo FJ. 2015. World Health Organization estimates of the global and regional disease burden of 22 foodborne bacterial, protozoal and viral diseases, 2010. PLOS Medicine (Accepted).

Kjær LL, Pagoropoulos A, Hauschild MZ, Birkved M, Schmidt JH, McAloone TC. 2015. From LCC to LCA Using a Hybrid Input Output Model – A Maritime Case Study. Presented at: 22nd C I R P Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 2015, Sydney. Procedia CIRP: 29: 474-479. DOI:

Konakli K, Sudret B, Faber MH. 2015. Value of information in life-cycle analysis of structural systems. Submitted to Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems 2014.

Laurent A, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Normalisation. Part of: Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Pp 271-300. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. DOI:

Lerer SM, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, and Mikkelsen PS. 2015. A mapping of tools for informing Water Sensitive Urban Design planning decisions – questions, aspects and context sensitivity. Water, 7, 993-1012; doi:10.3390/w7030993.

Locatelli L, Gabriel S, Mark O, Mikkelsen PS, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Taylor H, Bockhorn B, Larsen H, Kjølby MJ, Blicher AS, Binning PJ. 2015. Modelling the impact of retention-detention units on sewer surcharge and peak and annual runoff reduction. Water Science and Technology, 71, 6, 898-903. DOI:10.2166/wst.2015.044

Locatelli L, Mark O, Mikkelsen PS, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Wong T, Binning PJ. Determining the extent of groundwater interference on the performance of infiltration trenches. Journal of Hydrology. In Press. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.08.047

Luca D, Faber MH, Nussbaumer A. 2015. Calibration of partial safety factors for fatigue design of steel bridges. Presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12, Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15.

Manzo S, Salling KB. (forthcoming). Life-cycle cost-benefit analysis in transportation projects. Under review for TRA 2016 – Transport Research Arena, Warzaw, Poland, April 2016. STATUS: Full Paper -> ISI Publication (2016)

May A, MacMillan D, Thöns S. 2015. Economic analysis of condition monitoring systems for offshore wind turbine sub-systems. IET Renewable Power Generation 9(8): 900-907.

Mayer S, Maule CM, Sobolowski S, Christensen OB, Sørup HJD, Sunyer MA, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Barstad I. 2015. Identifying added value in high-resolution climate simulations over Scandinavia. Tellus A 2015, 67, 24941. DOI: 10.3402/tellusa.v67.24941

Miraglia S., Courage W., Meijers., 2015. Fragility Functions for Pipeline in Liquefiable Sand: a Case Study on the Groningen Gas-Network. Proceedings of ICASP12, 12-15 August 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

Miraglia S., Faber M.H., 2015. Risk and Sustainability in an integrated decision making framework: the GDSI open platform. Abstract and Poster presentation at the conference: “Environmental Risk – Assessing and Managing Multiple Risks in a Changing World”, 16-17 November 2015, Roskilde, Denmark.

Niero M, Ingvordsen CH, Bagger Jørgensen R, Hauschild MZ. 2015. How to manage uncertainty in future Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) scenarios addressing the effect of climate change in crop production. Journal of Cleaner Production. DOI:

Niero M, Ingvordsen CH, Peltonen-Sainio P, Jalli M, Lyngkjær MF, Hauschild MZ, Jørgensen BR. 2015. Eco-efficient production of spring barley in a changed climate: A Life Cycle Assessment including primary data from future climate scenarios  Agricultural Systems 136: 46–60. DOI:

Olsen AS, Zhou Q, Linde JL, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K. 2015. Comparing Methods of Calculating Expected Annual Damage in Urban Pluvial Flood Risk Assessments. Water 2015, 7, 255-270; doi:10.3390/w7010255

Owsianiak M, Holm PE, Fantke P, Christiansen KS, Borggaard OK, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Assessing comparative terrestrial ecotoxicity of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn: The influence of aging and emission source. Environmental Pollution 206: 400-410. DOI:

Owusu-Ansah EDJ, Sampson A, Amponsah SK, Abaidoo RC, Hald T. 2015. Performance, Compliance and Reliability of Waste Stabilization Pond: Effluent Discharge Quality and Environmental Protection Agency Standards in Ghana. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 10(11): 1293-1302. ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467

Pereira-Cardenal SJ, Mo B, Riegels ND, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Bauer-Gottwein P. Using power market models in the optimization of multi-purpose reservoir systems.  Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141, 8, 04014100. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000500

Pryn MR, Cornet Y, Salling KB. 2015. Applying Sustainability Theory on Transport Infrastructure Assessment using a Multiplicative AHP Decision Support Model. Transport - Special issue on Smart and Sustainable Transport, accepted for publication 2015 (shared-publication with SUSTAIN).

Qin J, Thöns S,  Faber MH. 2015.  On the value of SHM in the context of service life integrity management. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Vancouver, Canada.

Ridoutt B, Fantke P, Pfister S, Bare J, Boulay A-M, Cherubini F, Frischknecht R, Hauschild MZ, Hellweg S, Henderson A, Jolliet O, Levasseur A, Margni M, McKone T, Michelsen O, i Canals LM, Page G, Pant R, Raugei M, Sala S, Saouter E, Verones F, Wiedmann T. 2015. Making Sense of the Minefield of Footprint Indicators  Environmental Science & Technology (Washington) 49(5): 2601−2603, DOI:

Roldgaard JH, Kiremidjian AS, Georgakis CT, Faber MH. 2015. Risk Assessment model for ice accretion on bridge cables through probabilistic evaluation of meteorological data. Accepted for publication in Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2015.

Roldsgaard JH, Georgakis CT, Faber MH. 2015. Probabilistic assessment of the occurrence and duration of ice accretion on cables. Accepted for publication in Structural Engineering International vol. 1

Roldsgaard JH, Georgakis CT, Faber MH. 2015. On the value of forecasting in cable ice risk management. Accepted for publication in Structural Engineering International vol. 1.

Ryberg M,Owsianiak M, Laurent A, Hauschild MZ. 2015. Power generation from chemically cleaned coals: do environmental benefits of firing cleaner coal outweigh environmental burden of cleaning?  in journal: Energy & Environmental Science 8: 2435-2447. DOI:

Salling KB, Pryn MR. 2015. Sustainable Transport Project Evaluation and Decision Support: Indicators and Planning Criteria for Sustainable Development. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 22(4): 346-357. Taylor and Francis (shared-publication with SUSTAIN).

Salling KB, Leleur S. 2015. Transport Project Evaluation: Feasibility Risk Assessment and Scenario Forecasting. Transport, published online July 13th 2015 (shared-publication with UNITE).

Salling KB, Leleur S, Barfod MB, Pryn MR. (forthcoming). Flexible Decision Support for Sustainable Transport Development: The SUSTAIN Decision Framework. Accepted for presentation at WCTR 2016 – World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, July 2016 (shared-publication with SUSTAIN).

Saxe H. 2015. Is Danish venison production environmentally sustainable? Report to 15. Juni Fonden and Nordea Fonden (in English). DTU project no. 81444, 14/05601)

Saxe H. 2015. Er dansk vildtkødproduktion miljømæssigt bæredygtig? Skoven 6-7:264-267.

Saxe H, Jensen JD. 2015. Does the Environmental Gain of Switching to the Healthy New Nordic Diet Outweigh the Increased Consumer Cost? Journal of Food Science and Engineering 4: 291-300.

Saxe H, Bügel S. 2015. Menneskets Ernæring. 4. udgave. Eds. Arne Astrup et al. Kapitel 26: Økologi og Bæredygtighed. Pp. 339-357. In press.

Schneider R, Fischer J, Bügler M, Nowak M, Thöns S, Borrmann A, Straub D. 2015. Assessing and updating the reliability of concrete bridges subjected to spatial deterioration - principles and software implementation. Structural Concrete 16 (3): 356-365

Sunyer MA, Gregersen IB, Madsen H, Luchner J, Rosbjerg D, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K. Comparison of different statistical downscaling methods to estimate changes in hourly extreme precipitation using RCM projections from ENSEMBLES. International Journal of Climatology, 35, 9, 2528-2539. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4138

Sørup HJD, Lerer SM, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Mikkelsen PS, and Rygaard R. Efficiency of stormwater control measures: How the Three Points Approach (3PA) can guide the interpretation of strategic management approaches for rainwater harvesting, stormwater drainage and flood risk management. In Prep.

Sørup HJD, Christensen OB, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, and Mikkelsen PS. Downscaling future precipitation extremes to urban hydrology scales using a spatio-temporal Neyman–Scott weather generator. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. In Review. Doi:10.5194/hessd-12-2561-2015, 2015

Sørup HJD, Lerer SM, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Mikkelsen PS, Rygaard M. 2015. Quantitative potential for stormwater control measures. Accepted for oral presentation at DTU Sustain.

Sørup HJD, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, Mikkelsen PS. 2015. Using the three points approach to see beyond extremes for urban hydrology. Accepted for oral presentation at UrbanRain15 - 10th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas, Pontresina, Switzerland.

Thöns, Sebastian (Editor), 2015, Workshop Proceedings on Quantifying the Value of Structural Health Monitoring, Publisher: Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering, ISBN: 978-8-77-877426-2, Type: Book (Peer reviewed)

Thöns S, Schneider R, Faber MH. 2015. Quantification of the Value of Structural Health Monitoring Information for Fatigue Deteriorating Structural Systems. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Vancouver, Canada.

Westh TB, Hauschild MZ, Birkved M, Jørgensen MS, Rosenbaum RK, Fantke P. 2015. The USEtox story: A survey of model developer visions and user requirements. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20:299-310. DOI:

Åstrøm H, Sunyer MA, Madsen H, Rosbjerg D, Arnbjerg-Nielsen K. Explanatory analysis of the relationship between atmospheric circulation and flood generating events in a coastal city. Hydrological Processes. In Review.
14 MARCH 2025